This article originated from a qualitative research project that inquired into the impact of the changing requirements of programmes leading to teaching qualifications in the Learning and Skills Sector (LSS). The project was undertaken with the participation of a number of trainees, tutors and managers and used biographical methods to explore the experience of being mentored and the functioning of Individual Learning Plans(ILPs) within restructured programmes of Initial Teacher Education (ITE). Particular interest was taken in what participants had to say about the subject specialist mentoring that was intended to be a particular feature of new programmes. The authors conclude that there is dissonance between formal structures and trainees’ expectations: while programme specifications emphasise the knowledge and skills of mentors, participants in ITE look for more human qualities.
How to Cite
Tedder, M. & Lawy, R., (2010) “‘Passionate about teaching’ – the role of mentors in implementing professional standards”, Teaching in Lifelong Learning 2(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/till.2010.2245