Situated within the context of policy change in the Lifelong Learning Sector, this article is based on the LONCETT (London Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training) research strand exploring organisational responses to policy challenges and the impacts on the delivery of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) for the sector. It builds on and further develops three themes reported in year one (Wooding, 2007): impact of the new requirements for QTLS/ATLS; impact on delivery patterns and organisational collaboration; and organisational responses to existing staff first employed prior to 2007. Findings suggest a positive view of the new qualifications in terms of enhancement of teachers’ professional standing. Nevertheless, the introduction of three levels of qualification: preparing to teach, certificate, and diploma in teaching have caused confusion, especially in light of the proliferation of job specifications, titles and practices within Further Education (FE) noted by Gleeson, Davies and Wheeler (2005).
How to Cite
Broad, J., (2010) “Organisational approaches to the 'professionalisation' agenda: planning the provision of the new ITE qualifications for the FE sector”, Teaching in Lifelong Learning 2(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/till.2010.2123