The diversity of Adult and Community Learning (ACL) provision and the particular nature of its workforce are important elements in any deliberation around the planning, access to and take-up of professional development of ACL teaching staff. One of the key goals of the LONCETT (London Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training) ACL project has been to present evidence-based ways forward in relation to the Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs of tutors. The LONCETT research has been conceived as an opportunity to record the perspectives of key players in the professional development of ACL tutors. This paper identifies the key barriers to professionalising staff in this part of the Learning and Skills Sector (LSS). It explores the potential of collaborative approaches between teacher training providers and learning providers to ensure appropriate and accessible professional development for the sector’s workforce.
How to Cite
Hulin, P., Lahiff, A. & Moss, W., (2009) “Developing a flexible approach to Initial Teacher Training and Continuing Professional Development for the Adult and Community Learning sector: a case for collaboration”, Teaching in Lifelong Learning 1(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/till.2009.1214